Monday, September 3, 2007


I am still trying to get a basic routine down for this whole blogging thing. Anyway, here's a little of what has been going on since I've been back.

The other night, some of my friends and I had an incredible time of prayer that was completely guided by the Spirit. It was an amazing time of fellowship. We began praying for my roommate's dad who was preaching in a church the next morning. It progressed from there to praying for eachother as well as other things that we were lead to pray about. It was incredible!

A friend and I are trying to get a house church going. That should be a very interesting experience and I am very much looking forward to see how God is going to use that.

I still need to come up with a new name for my blog...

So far I have survived about two weeks of school. Just 12 more to go and then Christmas break! One of my classes was switched to an online format, which makes me very happy, but there is a lot of work to be done still! I am working with the organization that I was with this summer in order to put together a manual for future interns to Germany. Hopefully I will be able to make a trip back to Augsburg very very soon! That's all I have for now. I hope that you haven't given up on reading this blog. Hopefully I will have more interesting things to talk about!

1 comment:

theresa said...

hi Cameron - got your comment on our blog - hope you get this one. give your Mom a great big hug from me. i miss her terribly!
i'll call your house and give you all our contact info. i thought i had sent it to your Mom but we are having intermittent email problems over here.
so we will call and hopefully see you again in the future!!
-love in Jesus,
theresa currie